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10 Days until Tian Ge arrives! In just ten days, TC, an extraordinary young man who dedicated over 15 years of his life to the art of Kung Fu, will grace our sacred grounds at Temple. Explore his journey that began at the legendary Shaolin Temple at the age of 7, and witness how he has become the embodiment of Kung Fu's essence.


Martial Arts and Spiritual Enlightenment

Kung Fu, an extraordinary fusion of martial arts and Zen Buddhism, shapes the core of TC's being. Delve into his travels, which have not only showcased the artistry of combat but also delved into the realms of spiritual enlightenment. Witness TC's transformative path as he embarks on becoming the Kung Fu master of his dreams.


A Source of Wisdom and Inspiration

TC, Daga's inaugural disciple and eternal student, is set to grace Temple with his awe-inspiring abilities and profound wisdom. Experience TC's relentless training, invaluable teachings, and assistance to the community as they strive to achieve their aspirations. From mesmerizing hand forms to breathtaking weaponry and acrobatics, TC will guide us with unwavering expertise. Discover the tranquility of Buddhist practices he unveils, from resonating chants to profound meditation.

Embrace the Opportunity: Welcome TC to Temple

Prepare to welcome TC, an encyclopedic source of knowledge from the revered Shaolin Monastery in China. Mark your calendars for this extraordinary opportunity to meet and train alongside TC, the Shaolin disciple, as he imparts his legacy upon all who cross his path. Experience the transformative power of this lifetime encounter.


A Groundbreaking Initiative for Kung Fu Enthusiasts

Alongside TC's arrival, Temple proudly introduces Temple Athletes, a visionary project designed to embrace the passion of Kung Fu enthusiasts. Explore how this platform provides not only a sanctuary for training but also a launchpad to propel skills to unprecedented heights. Witness the inauguration of TC as the first fully endorsed Temple Athlete, serving as an inspiration for future generations.

Supporting TC's Journey to New Zeniths

As A Temple Athlete, we wholeheartedly commit ourselves to supporting TC's remarkable journey. Discover our mission to empower TC as he surpasses the boundaries of his already astonishing abilities. Witness the collective effort to propel him to new heights, harnessing the full extent of his Kung Fu prowess and showcasing the indomitable power of this ancient art from to the world.

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Chun Jane
Chun Jane
25. Juni 2023

Can’t wait to have you here TC, let’s go Temple Fam!! 🔥🔥🔥

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Tian Ge
Tian Ge
22. Juni 2023

Hey Yo, DG, much appreciate! That’s absolutely fantastic, with these awesome introduction. I can’t wait to get over there and start this journey with Temple Fam! You’ve inspired me through my whole martial arts journey! It’s a honor to learn from you when I was kid, and being the first Athlete of Temple. It is a very visionary role for our community! Look forward to To realize our dreams as martial artists, spread the warriors spirits and motivation to more and more people! Let’s go DG! We get this 🔥

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Long Shifu
Long Shifu
21. Juni 2023
Mit 5 von 5 Sternen bewertet.

YES! I am so excited for this new Chapter at Temple⛩⛩ @Tian Ge

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